Courses Methodology of Redaction L1 PDF

 Courses Methodology of Redaction L1 PDF

The success and effectiveness of pedagogical, scientific, or even administrative text reflect the validity and integrity of the documents and texts written. They are not drafted randomly, but there are guidelines and rules that must be followed during editing and writing. 

Administrative language has its own style, technical approach, and methodology adopted in every field, whether it is transactions between different institutions or scientific documents.

Due to the urgent need to know these techniques and rules, they have become subjects taught in various colleges and institutes. The goal is to empower students with an understanding of these rules for use in administrative correspondence and the writing ofscientific research during their academic journey at the university and even after graduation when entering the workforce. 

Additionally, the topic of administrative and scientific writing is considered one of the most important subjects for students in dealing with various university departments or others. Throughout their academic journey, they must possess the qualifications and abilities necessary for writing and editing correctly and effectively, both in form and content.Therefore, through these lectures, we will attempt to provide a clear methodology for writing administrative correspondence, reports, and scientific research, following the following action plan :

Chapter One: General concepts in writing techniques.

Chapter Two: Methodology for information research .

Chapter Three: Writing techniques .

Chapter Four: Report writing .

Courses Methodology of Redaction L1 PDF
Courses Methodology of Redaction L1 PDF


Download PDF 1: Chapter 1 Methodology of Redaction : HERE
Download PDF 2: Chapter 2 Methodology of Redaction : HERE
Download PDF 3: Chapter 3 Methodology of Redaction : HERE
Download PDF 4: Chapter 4 Methodology of Redaction : HERE

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