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Course General Microbiology PDF

 Course General Microbiology PDF


General Microbiology is a first semester course. It is a three -credit unit compulsory course which all students offering Bachelor of Science in Biology must take.

Microbiology is a branch of biology which involves the study of microorganisms. Microorganisms can be defined as living organisms which cannot be seen by the unaided eyes. These organisms include bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, viruses, etc.

Microorganisms are numerous in nature and have some characteristics which make them ideal specimens for the study of numerous fundamental like processes which occur at the cellular level in all living organisms. In microbiology, study of microorganisms is done extensively by observing their life processes while they are actively metabolising.

Microorganisms have a wider range of physiological and biochemical potentials than all other organisms combined. Some are able to utilise atmospheric nitrogen for the synthesis of proteins and other complex organic nitrogen compounds.

The study of microorganisms is applicable to all aspects of human endeavour including: medicine, food, agriculture, conserving human and animal reaction, combating diseases and used also as biological weapons. Some organisms are friends (beneficial) while others can be regarded as foes (harmful) to human beings.

2.What you will learn in this course?

In this course, you have the course units and a course guide. The course guide will tell you what the course is all about. It is a general overview of the course materials you will be using and how to use those materials. It also helps you to allocate the appropriate time to each unit so that you can successfully complete the course within the stipulated time limit.

The course guide also helps you to know how to go about your Tutor-Marked Assignment which will form part of your overall assessment at the end of the course. Also, there will be regular tutorial classes that are related to this course, where you can interact with your facilitator and other students. 

This course exposes you to microbiology, a very important and interesting field in biology.

3.Course Objectives:

To achieve the aim set above, there are objectives. Each unit has a set of objectives presented at the beginning of the unit. These objectives will give you what to concentrate/focus on while studying the unit. Please read the objectives before studying the unit and during your study to check your progress.

The comprehensive objectives of the course are given below. By the end of the course, you should be able to:

- identify the different components of the microbial world.

- explain the historical aspects, relevance and scope of microbiology.

- explain the general characteristics of the different groups of microorganisms.

- describe microbial growth and reproduction and methods of controlling microbial growth.

- give a systemic classification of bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.

- explain the causes of microbial variation and hereditary; and

- describe some biogeochemical cycles in nature.

4.Working Through this Course:

To successfully complete this course, you are required to read each study unit, textbooks and other materials provided by the National Open University of World.

Reading the referenced materials can also be of great assistance.

Each unit has self assessment exercises which you are advised to do. At certain periods during the course, you will be required to submit your assignment for the purpose of assessment.

There will be a final examination at the end of the course. The course should take you about 17 weeks to complete.

This course guide will provide you with all the components of the course how to go about studying and how you should allocate your time to each unit so as to finish on time and successfully.

Course General Microbiology PDF
Course General Microbiology PDF


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